Introducing Ark 2
Out there in Texas they've probably already started building ARK 2. It will be ready and waiting for blast off as the fiery flood ignites the funeral pyre of Earth.
Only this time it won't be God who selects His Noah - it will be Technological Man, maker of miracles and inventor of his own doom. And this time he won't mess with all those animals - they've already had their space flights, pioneering the way of escape for their human masters.
Now there is only room for man with his cargo of blurring memories, his unchanging problems and innocent hopes all in capsule form for easy stowage.
You can anticipate his journey with the music that is ARK 2. You will discover that, though his circumstances change, man's dilemma does not. He is still capable of creating beauty as well as despair, still capable of nostalgia and lust, anger and love. And above all, those qualities which may save him for another ten thousand years: humour, irreverance and wit. At the end of your 45 minute preview perhaps you will discover that you can still like man, admire him even. You will hope he makes it.
This, then, is man's last trip.
Text taken from record sleeve, opposite.